County's Responsibilities - Intentional Program Violation (IPV) 448-01-35-25
(Revised 11/1/14 ML #3418)
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When a notice of IPV hearing has been issued, the eligibility worker will receive a letter from the Legal Advisory Unit indicating the Request for Hearing and a copy of the notice that resulted in the hearing was forwarded to OAH. This letter will also indicate that OAH will be sending the eligibility worker a ‘Notice of Hearing & Specification of Issue’.
Upon receipt of the ‘Notice of Hearing & Specification of the Issue’, the eligibility worker must:
Follow the instructions included on this notice, which include sending all pertinent information to OAH and the appellant.
- Ensure the necessary witnesses are at the hearing.
- Bring the necessary evidence to the hearing.
- Come to the hearing prepared as though the applicant will attend, even though you may have reason to believe the applicant, recipient or authorized representative will not attend the hearing.
- Make certain the conference telephone is in good working order.